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The purpose of this investigation has been to focus on the identification of the site’s main administrator, referred to as Dread Pirate Roberts ( DPR). Experts on both the deep web and the surface web provide insights from IT, research and monitoring, law enforcement and drug user perspectives. If you order from the same vendor again, you’ll be able to skip this part since you’ll already have their key stored for future reference. CyberGhost’s Smart Rules feature enabled me to connect automatically when I opened Tor, ensuring that I didn’t accidentally start browsing the Dark Web darkc0de without being connected to a VPN. Parallel trade is an important component in this policy debate. This trend is consistent across all the different categories of drugs offered on cryptomarkets, especially for the types of drugs that are decriminalised or legal in some countries. A 2016 report from researchers Daniel Moore and Thomas Rid, of King’s College in London, looked at 5,205 live sites on the dark web and found that 2,723 contained illicit content.